adult acne on chin

Adult Onset Acne

Acne is a common skin condition during puberty. It is not limited to a specific age limit since it can also affect adults, called “adult acne”. It is certainly possible to get acne for the first time as an adult.

Acne is the 8th most common skin disease worldwide.

It is not gender-specific, but adult females breakout more than men. 

In one study, 85% of females and 15% of males have adult acne. 

Types of acne:

Acne has different forms depending on its severity. Mild acne consists of whiteheads or blackheads, while moderate acne includes papules. Severe acne comes with more extreme swelling, irritation, redness and cysts.

Adult onset acne:

adult with acne using melanopeel toner

Acne can begin in your adult years. This condition is termed as “Adult-onset acne”. It is common in women going through menopause. The primary reasons behind this are inflammation and clogged pores triggered by hormonal imbalances and surges.

The causes of adult onset acne:

  • Hormonal imbalance and fluctuations are triggers. Hormonal fluctuations lead to inflammation, pH imbalance and excessive production of sebum (oil). Hormonal changes occur during aging and for females, these changes are common during menstruation, menopause and breastfeeding.
  • Emotional stress. If you are going through emotional stress, your adrenal glands produce more cortisol, which causes an imbalance in your skin.
  • Physical stress like extreme weather, illness, dehydration, poor diet and disturbed sleep cycle, can also trigger inflammation, hormonal imbalance and weakened immunity.
  • Family history is important as acne is known to have a genetic component.
  • Air pollution also play a role.
  • Medications can also trigger acne like antiepileptic drugs, corticosteroids and antidepressants.

Other considerations in adult skin:

If you regularly use hair and skincare products, always make sure that you are using non-comedogenic & non-acnegenic products. These are less likely to breakout adult skin.

causes of adult acne

Teenage versus adult breakouts:

Adult and teenage acne are different.

Teenage acne is caused by active sebaceous glands and excess oil production whereas the main cause of the adult form is hormonal fluctuations.

Teen acne shows up all over the face, back, shoulders and chest, while adult blemishes are commonly found on the lower face, chin and jawline.

Melanopeel® gives you the best choices for adult breakouts which target the skin on multiple levels.

They go beyond acne to also address skin aging, maturational pigmentation, roughness & sun damage.

Effective treatments for adult-onset acne:

Contact your Melanopeel Clinic for Purchase & A Customized Anti-Acne Regime

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Courtesy Melanopeel® Skin Clarity.
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